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(See also the Press Releases and Statements page.) D. Gibbs, "Why the Srebrenica Massacre Should not be Used as an Excuse for Intervention," History News Network, December 27, 2015, http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/161541 Luke Stewart, "The re-writing of history: The misuse of the draft "dodger" myth against Iraq war resisters in Canada," Activehistory.ca, 22 October 2012, Online: http://activehistory.ca/papers/history-papers-12/ HAW Steering Committee member Edrene McKay created a powerpoint presentation (16MB) adapted from Andrew J. Bracevich, “The Tyranny of Defense, Inc.,” The Atlantic Monthy, Jan-Feb., 2011 (July 8, 2011) HAW Steering Committee Response to the State of the Union Message (January 27, 2011) HAW Wikileaks Statement (December 10, 2010) Carl Mirra, "Forty Years On: Looking back at the 1969 annual meeting," Perspectives on History 48, no. 2 (February 2010): 14-15. Tony Nuspl, Congress should get serious with a pay-as-you-go approach in Afghanistan (December 3, 2009) Staughton Lynd, "Someday They’ll Have A War And Nobody Will Come," Peace History Society (October 2009, Word format) a call for action on US policy toward the Honduras coup (August 10, 2009) HAW members at the march on Wall Street (April 4, 2009) HAW Steering Committee statement on Gaza (January 2009) Ten easy steps to register students to vote HAW and Afghanistan (October 2008) Carolyn Eisenberg, "A Devil's Bargain" (Truthout, July 3, 2008) Historians Against the War Ask Congress to Investigate John Yoo (Press Release, May 2008) Howard Zinn, The End of Empire? (AlterNet, April 2, 2008) HAW at Left Forum (New York City, March 2008) Joshua Holland and Raed Jarrar, Five Things You Need to Know to Understand the Latest Violence in Iraq (AlterNet, March 27, 2008) Andrea Smith, Keynote Speaker at 2006 HAW Conference, Denied Tenure (March 19, 2008) Alan Dawley (March 13, 2008) Letter from HAW to the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) regarding plenary at 2008 Annual Meeting with Professor John C. Yoo on “Presidential Power and the War on Terrorism.” David L. Schalk, A Historian's Engagement (Peace & Change, Oct 2000, Vol. 25, Issue 4). Ira Chernus, The Forgotten Vietnam - Iraq Parallel (Aug 24 2007) Andrew J. Bacevich, Vietnam's real lessons. The war is indeed relevant to Iraq -- but not the way Bush thinks (Los Angeles Times, August 25, 2007) Michael T. Heaney and Fabio Rojas. 'Partisans, Nonpartisans, and the Antiwar Movement in the United States.' AMERICAN POLITICS RESEARCH, Vol. 35, No. 4 (July 2007): 431-464. Jeffrey Kimball, Kissinger Gets It Wrong Again John Elrick, An Interview with Carolyn Eisenberg About the War, Activism, and Teaching (HNN, June 25, 2007) Staughton Lynd, Why We Can't Let Them Tamper with Habeas Corpus (HNN, June 11, 2007) Andrew J. Bacevich, I Lost My Son to a War I Oppose. We Were Both Doing Our Duty (Washington Post, May 27, 2007) Take Action Now - Restore Habeas Corpus (campaign by Center for Constitutional Rights, April 23, 2007) Carolyn Eisenberg, Congress is sorely lacking in courage (Newsday Inc., March 23, 2007) Anti-War Groups Seek Breakthrough Moment (NPR story with Van Gosse, March 15, 2007) American Historical Association Denounces the War in Iraq / La Asociación de Historiadores Americanos Denuncia la Guerra en Irak (March 13, 2007) Margaret Power, Reflections on Thomas Ryan’s Article About Barbara Weinstein (History News Network, February 12, 2007) Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Road to the Iraq War: Two Views of U.S. Imperialism (Monthly Review, January 2007) ![]() Van Gosse, The Impending Crisis: New Theses on the War in Iraq and the Future of U.S. Politics (Portside, January 27, 2007) Carolyn Eisenberg, "Beware the lure of 'phased withdrawal'" (Newsday, November 26, 2006) John J. Fitzgerald, Comparison of Vietnam with Iraq: In Light of George Bush's Claim that There is no Analogy Between the Two (see PDF or Word versions that better preserve formatting) John J. Fitzgerald, Some Books on the Iraq War and Related Topics (Oct 2006) Michael T. Heaney and Fabio Rojas, The Place of Framing: Multiple Audiences and Antiwar Protests near Fort Bragg, Qualitative Sociology (September 21, 2006) The Widening Circle of Violence in the Middle East (Historians Against the War Steering Committee, July, 2006) Slide show of the April 29, 2006 events in NYC, http://home.att.net/~pmerino/april29_06/4_29_06.wmv (runs with Media Player). Staughton Lynd and Carl Mirra, I Am a Revisionist Historian (3-13-06) (PDF) Alan Dawley, Why Peace Movements Are Important (3-13-06) (PDF of updated version, May 8, 2006; formatted for printing) Judy Atkins, Historians against the War "HAW" Sponsors Unique Academic Conference (February 20, 2006) Three CDs and several conference papers from the Empire, Resistance, and the War in Iraq conference (February 17-19, 2006). Jim O'Brien, Historians Target Iraq War (from The Nation on-line) Ellen Schrecker, Worse Than McCarthy (February 10, 2006) Booth 306, or Four Days in Kansas City MO: A Report to the HAW—CS (report on HAW at the Convention of the National Conference of Social Studies in PDF format, November 2005) What Will History Say?, remarks prepared for Washington DC Peace Rally by Carolyn "Rusti" Eisenberg (September 24, 2005) Historians Against the War: What We Are Doing to Try to Stop the War in Iraq, by Margaret Power (September 19, 2005) HAW National Conference (Fall 2005)
Destiny not in Iraqis' hands: U.S. intervention is to blame for the war-torn country's inability to select its new president, by Carolyn Eisenberg in Newsday (March 31, 2005). Why Iraq, Like Vietnam, Is Immoral and Unnecessary, by Peter Kirstein on History News Network (March 7, 2005) Should a Soldier Who Changes His Mind About War Have a Right to Status as a Conscientious Objector?, by Staughton Lynd on History News Network (February 28, 2005) OUT NOW: An Argument for Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq, by David R. Applebaum, Ph.D. (February 5, 2005) Twelve Theses on the War in Iraq and the Future of U.S. Politics, by Van Gosse on History News Network (January 31, 2005) The Tragedy of American Diplomacy in Iraq, by Carl Mirra (Published on Sunday, January 30, 2005 by CommonDreams.Org, also on History News Network, February 14, 2005) Why Elections in Iraq Are No Panacea, by Stuart Schaar on History News Network (January 24, 2005) HAW Activities and Accomplishments (2003-2004) HAW at the AHA (January 6-9, 2005 in Seattle, Washington) The War in Iraq and its Aftermath, by Stuart Schaar (Talk delivered October 27, 2004 at Hofstra University). Mary L. Dudziak op-ed August 29, 2004: This Is What History Looks Like, By Van Gosse HAW is planning to have a presence at the Republican National Convention in New York City on August 28-29, 2004. Another Whopper: Iraqi “Sovereignty,” by Carolyn Eisenberg (Published on Friday, July 2, 2004 by CommonDreams.org). Activists Guide to the June 30 “Handover of Iraqi Sovereignty,” prepared by Carolyn Eisenberg of Brooklyn Parents for Peace and Historians Against the War. Where We Stood: Chicago’s Resistance to the U.S. War on Iraq (documentary by Linda Beckstrom, Blake Beckstrom and Jon Groot on March 20, 2003 protest against the war) HAW at the OAH (Boston MA, March 25-28, 2004). At the annual meeting of the OAH, the executive board approved a resolution sponsored by Historians Against the War (HAW) to investigate alleged instances of repression involving historians. Eric Foner and James Horton signed a HAW petition denouncing the "doctrine of pre-emptive war." Marc Becker's report on the World Social Forum 2004 (Mumbai, India, January 2004) HAW at the AHA (Washington DC, January 8-11, 2004) Philippines not a good model (Guest column by Clifford Kuhn in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 10/22/03) New Watergate Soaks White House (op-ed by Carolyn Eisenberg, October 7, 2003) HAW and an alliance of radical academic/intellectual caucuses and organizations (founding meeting, October 4, 2003) Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride (September 20-October 4, 2003) HAW and United for Peace and Justice (June 26, 2003) First National Meeting of Historians Against the War (New York City on May 31, 2003) UCLA Academic Senate opposes war (by Shaun Bishop, Daily Bruin Reporter, April 15, 2003) OAH Annual Meeting: What Historians Against the War Want (report from the History New Network, April 7, 2003) Report on March 19 action in DC U.S. Hispanics Ethically Compelled To Oppose War, by Gilberto Reyes Jr. (McAllen Monitor, February 23, 2003). Mount Holyoke faculty resolution on Iraq (February 5, 2003).
Peace activism in Canada, by Deborah Gorham, Carleton University (February 20, 2003). Sally Southwick, Minnesota Women's Press (Vol. 18, No. 24, Feb. 12-25, 2003, p. 14). The Streets Belong to the People, by Ron Jacobs (Counter Punch, February 17, 2003). February 15, 2003 in New York: A Preliminary Assessment, by Van Gosse, 2/17/03. Pictures of historians joining the anti-war march in New York City, February 15, 2003. History New Network coverage of the founding meeting of Historians Against the War.