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 Conference Schedule
Friday Evening Plenary
Keynote Speakers:
Howard Zinn, Boston University (retired); Introduction by Davis Joyce
Andrea Smith, University of Michigan
Saturday Morning Panels
 Empire and Resistance, 8:30 – 10:15
Chair/commentator: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, California State University at Hayward
Colleen Woods, City University of New York Graduate Center, The Significance of Disloyalty: The American Imperial Project and the New York City Public Schools, 1916-1919
Alan Dawley, The College of New Jersey, Anti-Imperialism in the Wilson Era
John Mason Hart, University of Houston, The Rise of the American Empire
The U.S. in the Middle East, 10:30 – 12:15
Chair: Peter Dimock, Columbia University Press
Commentator: Irene Gendzier, Boston University
Magnus Bernhardsson, Williams College, A New War or an Old Battle: Interpreting and Teaching the War
Sara Dougherty, University of Rochester, The Munich Analogy and the Persian Gulf War
John Foran and Joe Conti, University of California Santa Barbara, Toward a Sociology of U.S. Foreign Policy
Rahul Mahajan, New York University, A Tangled Web: The United States and Democracy in the Middle East
Nada Shabout, A ‘Liberated’ Iraq: Simulation Through Cultural Destruction

Saturday Afternoon Panels
Bush Policies: Change or Continuity, 1:30 – 3:15
Chair/commentator: Joan Hoff, Montana State University, Bozeman
Paul Atwood, University of Massachusetts Boston, War and Empire Are and Always Have Been the American Way of Life (Word format; also see his Remarks Prepared by for HAW conference in RTF format)
James Carter, Texas A & M University, War Profiteering from Vietnam to Iraq
Anita Durkin, University of Rochester, Shift in Symbol: Metaphorical War-Mongering, or The Tale of Two Bushes
Walter Hixson, University of Akron, Might as Well Face It, We’re Addicted to War
Defending Democracy and Civil Liberties, 3:30 – 5:15
Chair/Commentator: Ben Alpers, University of Oklahoma
Jana Lipman, Yale University, Guantánamo: Legal Debates, Human Rights, and Labor, a Look Back at the 1950s
Peter Kirstein, St. Xavier University, The Silencing of the Left in Wartime
Amee Chew, Why the War Is Sexist (and Why We Can’t Ignore Gender Any More; Here’s a Start for Organizing)
Jeffrey Kerr-Richie, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, The Empire Strikes Back: 7/7 and the British War in Iraq
Saturday Evening Plenary
Rashid Khalidi, Columbia University
Irene Gendzier, Boston University
Sunday Morning Panel
“What Activists and Historians Can Learn from Each Other”
Chair: Marc Becker, Truman State University
Commentator: Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology
Dan Berger, University of Pennsylvania, Anti-Imperialist Lessons and Legacies from the Weather Underground
Peter Dimock, Columbia University Press, The Iraq War as a Point of No Return in American History
Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Hofstra University, Nixon and Kissinger’s Tips for the Peace Movement
Kenneth Long, St. Joseph College, No Good Wars: Teaching the History of Modern American Wars as a Means of Resisting Current Ones
Roger Peace, Florida State University, An Ideological Crusade: The Reagan Administration’s War Against Nicaragua in the 1980s
Shanti Marie Singham, Williams College, Teaching about the French Algerian War during the US Iraq War |