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Speaker's Bureau |
The following provides more information on selected historians from our Speaker's Bureau. If you are listed in the speaker's bureau and would like to be added to this page, email your listing to haw@historiansagainstwar.org. I would like to join the speaker's bureau at HAW. I have been giving lectures and presentations on the subject of "Looting Iraqi Art", and "The Destruction of Iraqi Culture" in many venues: Washington DC, University of North Texas, WV Tech U., Henry Ford Community College, University of Michigan, and next week at the "Iraqi Equation" in Berlin, Germany. I am especially interested and have been working on documenting the cultural lose of modern Iraqi art and culture, and have collected details information on the destruction of Iraqi public monuments after the US invasion. Hashim Al-Tawil, Ph.D. I'm a historian in both the School of Industrial and Labor Relations and American Studies, so I could bring knowledge and connections about labor and the war to the table. Jefferson Cowie Of related interest: I. Gendzier, "Invisible by Design: U.S. Policy in the Middle East,' in Diplomatic History, vol. 26,4 (fall 2002) forthcoming, "Oil, politics and the military," in Carl Boggs, ed., on Militarism; another draft of same article appeared on Znet, send e mail for precise address; my preface to the UN 'strictly confidential' assessment of anticipated casualties in Iraq is scheduled to appear in online journal, Logos, in February; article on US-Iraq arms sales in preparation. Irene Gendzier
Joseph Gerson, Director of Programs for American Friends Service Committee's New England Regional Office, has been playing a leading role in the post-September 11 peace movement and in national and international movements to prevent an invasion of Iraq Dr. Gerson organized the first major peace conference for peace activists across New England following the September 11 terrorist attacks in December 2001 and a second one this past October. He has lectured on campuses and spoken in community events across the United States. He has also been invited to speak internationally, participating in the launch conferences of the European Network for Peace and Human Rights in Brussels and the Asia Peace Assembly in Manila, the Cordoba Dialog of leading figures from Europe and the Middle East organized by the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, the World Conference Against A- & H- Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the ARNEA Round Table in Hong Kong. On September 11, 2001, he initiated what became the United for Peace With Justice coalition in the Boston. He also serves as the AFSC's representative to United For Peace and Justice, the inclusive and democratic national peace coalition. Dr. Gerson has been active in U.S. justice and peace movements since the mid-1960s. He received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and his Ph.D. in Politics and International Security Studies from the Union Institute. His work has long focused on building opposition and alternatives to U.S. hegemony, with concentrations on the Middle East, nuclear weapons, and the Asia-Pacific region. His books include: The Deadly Connection: Nuclear War and U.S. Intervention, The Sun Never Sets...Confronting the Network of U.S. Foreign Military Bases, and With Hiroshima Eyes: Atomic War, Nuclear Extortion and Moral Imagination. Joseph Gerson My work as an historian has put me in contact with the historical record of the European anti-war movement before and during the first World War. I am also prepared to address lessons drawn from my participation in the anti-US intervention movement during the 1980s concerning central America, and the first Gulf War in which I was a leader of the NY student wing of the anti-war movement. I live in Milwaukee and regularly travel to Chicago. Keith Mann I'm a Ph.D, historian (14th c. specialist), not an academic and have written 5 volumes on peacemaking and nonviolence in the Catholic tradition (the first of which, The Catholic Peace Tradition, won the Catholic Press Award in 1986) and which have been well reviewed in AHR, among many others. The last volume of the study was completed in 1996. I've spoken on the subject (but the deep background history: crusade period) on many occasions. I've also got a book forthcoming with the University of California Press that attempts to grapple with issues of peace, justice and violence in 14th c. Rome. I am currently co-publisher of Italica Press in New York City and co-director of the History E-Book Project for the American Council of Learned Societies. Josh Brown and Roy Rosenzweig have been at our presentations for that project. Ronald G. Musto I can offer basic historical background on the war in Iraq--indeed, have done so at several teach-ins here at Washburn University and in assorted other public contexts (church groups, Kansas Humanities Council events)--and can also provide historical background on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Afghanistan, and related topics. I am an assistant professor of history at Washburn University, Topeka, and regularly teach our program's world history surveys, among other things. Thomas Prasch I am willing to speak on the present Iraqi crisis and related issues dealing with the Middle East. My co-athored book, The Middle East and Isalmic World Reader will be published by Grove Press in March 2003. I have been teaching and writing on the Middle East and North Africa for some four decades. Stuart Schaar I am author of Harvey Wasserman's History of the United States (Harper 1972; Four Walls Eight Windows 1989) and America Born & Reborn: The Spiral of US History (Macmillan 1984) and The Last Energy War: The Battle over Utility Deregulation (Seven Stories 2000). Harvey Wasserman I gave up a faculty position at the University of Dubuque in Dubuque, Iowa to become a full time activist working to stop the war against Iraq. I manage the office and the website for the National Network to End the War Against Iraq (www.endthewar.org). At UD I taught a range of History courses, as well as Politics and Geography courses. I have a dissertation to complete for the Political Science Department at York University in Toronto. My topic deals with the early industrial revolution. I have published several articles on my topic as well as on the Iraq conflict, and hope to eventually publish a book about the US-Iraq conflict. Mike Zmolek |