Historians Against the War

Marvin E. Gettleman
September 12, 1933 – January 7, 2017

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Marvin GettlemanHonoring Our Friend and Comrade Marvin Gettleman, 1933-2017

We mourn the passing of Marv Gettleman, a founder of our organization and long-time member of the Steering Committee.

Marv brought to our collective work decades of experience in struggles for peace, human rights and social justice. His energy, optimistic spirit and wisdom enabled us to form a strong organization of historians, offering clear opposition to the Iraq War and other US military interventions in the aftermath of 9-11.

Marv combined the militancy of an activist, tempered by a life of scholarship and reflection. In discouraging times, he was a fountain of good ideas. And when frustration nurtured excess, his was the voice of common sense.

Though a profound critic of the social order, he did not give way to cynicism. And he was never too self-important to skip the necessary tasks.

Together with Ellen, he had a welcoming, friendly way. And several on our Steering Committee still remember how comfortable they felt because of their warmth and comradely outlook.

Working together with Marv Gettleman has been a great privilege and his example will remain a continuing source of inspiration for our group.

Statement from Van Gosse
