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Friday, March 26, 2010

[haw-info] Links to recent articles of interest

Suggestions for inclusion in these more-or-less biweekly lists can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.  Working group members are Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Maia Ramnath, Matt Bokovoy, Tom Murphy, and Jim O'Brien.  Thanks also to Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and John J. Fitzgerald for suggesting articles included in this week's list.

"Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem Does Not Belong to Jewish-Israelis"


By Juan Cole, Informed Comment blog, posted March 23
On the history of Jerusalem from ancient times; the author teaches Middle East history at the University of Michigan

"Texas School Board Whitewashes History"


By Daniel Czitrom, History News Network, posted March 22
The author teaches history at Mt. Holyoke College

"Counterfactual: A Curious History of the C.I.A.'s Secret Interrogation Program"


By Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, March 29 issue
Dismantles Marc Theissen's best-selling book Courting Disaster

"From the Philippines Conquest to Afghanistan, the U.S. Trains Local Police in Brutality"


By Jeremy Kuzmarov, History News Network, posted March 22 (first published in Asia-Pacific Journal)

"Twisting History in Texas"


By Eric Foner, The Nation, April 5 issue, posted March 18
The author teaches history at Columbia University

"The Pentagon Church Militant: The Top Five Questions We Should Ask the Penatagon"


By William J. Astore, TomDispatch.Com, posted March 18
The author, a retired Air Force lieutenant Colonel, teaches history as the Pennsylvania College of Technology

"Justifying Torture: Yoo Besmirches the Legacy of Jefferson"


By Ray McGovern, CounterPunch.org, posted March 16

"Torture and the Imperial Presidency"


By Cary Fraser, Truthout.org, posted March 15
The author teaches history at Pennsylvania State University

"The Travails of a Client State: An Okinawan Angle on the 50th Anniversary of the US-Japan Security Treaty"


By Gavan McCormack, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted March 12

"An Open Letter to President Obama: U.S. Foreign Policy and Post-Election Iran"


By Cyrus Bina, Counterpunch.org, posted March 12
Traces the history of recent decades of US-Iran relations



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