[haw-info] HAW Notes
Here are a couple of notes related to Historians Against the War:
1. A special page has been set up on the HAW web site for members and friends of HAW to share memories of Howard Zinn, the activist historian whose death on January 27 has saddened a great many of us. The memorials posted so far are at http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/zinn/. We invite you to add your own memories to this page; send to Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org).
2. We've extended (to February 9) the deadline for cadidacies for the HAW Steering Committee. (Currently there are 18 candidates for the 20 slots on the committee.) To nominate either yourself or somebody else, you can either reply to this message (use "Reply" instead of "Reply to All") or write to either of the current co-chairs, Jim O'Brien (jimobrien48@gmail.com) or Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org). If you are nominating yourself, please use the following template.
Institution (if any):
Historical Specialization:
Political Background:
Reason for Running:
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