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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

[haw-info] HAW Notes (including links to recent articles of interest)

To members and friends of Historians Against the War,

Here are some notes, followed by the latest in our biweekly set of links to history-related articles on HAW-relevant topics.

1. For those attending the AHA convention later this week, this is a reminder of the HAW panel and discussion at 5:00 – 6:30 pm Saturday, on "Obama's Troubling First Year: What Went Wrong and What Can Historians Do About It?" It is in the secondary convention hotel, the San Diego Marriott, in the New York and Orlando Rooms.

2. The following scholars have accepted invitations to join a newly constituted Advisory Board for Historians Against the War: Manan Ahmed, Chris Appy, Cemil Aydin, Magnus Bernhardsson, Frank Costigliola, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Irene Gendzier, Marvin Gettleman, Joan Hoff, Marilyn Young, Rashid Khalidi, Peter Kuznick, Vinay Lal, Mark LeVine, Zachary Lockman, Ellen Schrecker, Martin Sherwin, Barbara Weinstein, and Lawrence Wittner.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest

"Serial Catastrophes in Afghanistan Threaten Obama Policy"


By Juan Cole, Informed Comment web site, posted January 4

The $30bn Pair of Underpants


By Mark LeVine, Aljazeera.net, posted January 4

"Obama's Post-Modern War of Attrition"


By Andrew Bacevich, CounterPunch, January 1-3 edition, originally published in New York Daily News

"Catcher's Mitt: Obama, Pakistan and the Afghan Wars to Come"


By Graham Usher, Middle East Report Online, posted December 31

"The Moment That Changed Afghanistan"


By Stephen Kinzer, The Guardian, posted December 28

"The Revolution Will Be Mercantilized"


By Ali Ansari, The National Interest online, Posted December 21

on the Revolutionary Guard in Iran; the author teaches history at St. Andrews University

"The Best Argument for the Afghan War - and What's Wrong with It"


By Jon Wiener, The Nation blog, posted December 17

"Obama's Indecent Interval: Despite the U.S. President's Pleas to the Contrary, the War in Afghanistan Looks More Like Vietnam than Ever"


By Thomas H. Johnson and M. Chris Mason, Foreign Policy, December 10

"Was Kosovo the Good War?"


By David Gibbs, Tikkun, July-August 2009

The author teaches history and government at the University of Arizona

Suggestions for inclusion in these lists are welcome: they can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com. Members of the working group for this project are Matt Bokovoy, Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Jim O'Brien, Maia Ramnath, and Sarah Shields.


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