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Saturday, July 04, 2009

[haw-info] Top Historians Dissect "The Bush-Cheney Years" (New HAW pamphlet)

On January 3, 2009, some of the country's best historians offered a "first take" on the past eight years of illegal war-making, Constitution-shredding, and imperial ruin at a roundtable, "The Bush-Cheney Years."  Historians Against the War has published their sharp, polemical, and stimulating presentations.  The publication is graced by Josh Brown's cartoon of the former Commander-in-Chief and Veep atop a pile of skulls--this is history from the radical side.   View a video of the roundtable, download the pamphlet, or buy a copy from Historians Against the War, at $3 each ($2 for five or more)—all at http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/resources/bush-cheney.html

Van Gosse
Department of History
Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster PA 17604-3003

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