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Thursday, December 03, 2009

[haw-info] HAW Notes (including links to recent articles of interest)

To members and friends of Historians Against the War,


Here are a few notes, followed by the latest in our series of biweekly mailings of links to article of interest.


1.  HAW will have a session (details are still being planned) at the AHA convention in San Diego, Saturday, January 9, at 5:30 – 7:00 pm.  It will be in the secondary convention hotel, which is not being boycotted.  Margaret Power (power@iit.edu) and Andor Skotnes (skotna@sage.edu) are coordinating plans for the session.


2.  Michael Zweig of U.S. Labor Against the War, who has been a strong ally of HAW, is also the coordinator of the How Class Works 2010 conference, June 3-5 at Stony Brook University.  The proposals deadline is December 14 and information is at http://www.stonybrook.edu/workingclass/conference/2010/cfp.shtml.


3.  Veterans for Peace is looking for an executive director.  Information is at http://www.veteransforpeace.org/Position_available_executive_director.vp.html



Links to Recent Articles of Interest


"Obama's Folly


By Andrew Bacevich, War in Context website, from the Los Angeles Times, December 3


"The President Has Drawn the Wrong Lessons From His Understanding of the History of War"


Interview with Andrew Bacevich on Democracy Now, posted December 2


"Obama's Surge: Has the President Been Misled by the Iraq Analogy?"


By Juan Cole, Salon.com. posted December 1

A detailed analysis of circumstances that gave the Iraq "surge" the appearance of success, and of how circumstances in Afghanistan are different.


"Afghanistan: The Roach Motel of Empires"


By Zoltan Grossman, AfterDowningStreet.com, posted December 2


"Afghanistan Fact Sheet: The Numbers Behind the Troop Increase"


By the National Priorities Project, posted December 1


"A Better Way to Kill?  Human Terrain Systems, Anthropologists and the War in Afghanistan"


By David Price, CounterPunch.org, posted December 1


"It's Obama's War Now"


By Gary Leupp, CounterPunch.org, posted November 30

The author teaches history at Tufts University; despite its title, the article is mainly historical.


"The Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan Through CIA Eyes: Lessons for the United States Today"


By Bennett Ramberg, Huffington Post, posted November 24


Bill Moyers' Journal, November 20 – on escalation in Vietnam


Public Broadcasting System, November 20

On Lyndon Johnson's decision making on Vietnam in the mid-1960s, using excerpts from President Johnson's taped phone conversations with top advisors.  The video of this program can be accessed at http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/11202009/watch.html


"Why Liberals Kill"


By Thad Russell, The Daily Beast, posted October 17

a broad-brush analysis of the liberal foreign policy tradition


Suggestions for inclusion in these lists are welcome:  they can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.  Members of the working group for this project are Matt Bokovoy, Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Jim O'Brien, Maia Ramnath, and Sarah Shields



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