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Thursday, November 19, 2009

[haw-info] Historians Against War: National Call-in Day: No More Troops to Afghanistan !

From: the Steering Committee, Historians Against War
National Call-In Days November 23-25 : No More Troops to Afghanistan!
President Obama is still deciding whether to escalate the US military presence in Afghanistan. He is under intense pressure from the military to step up the war. We need to send a loud and clear message from the American public that this would be a disastrous decision !
For three days people from every corner of the country will be flooding the White House with calls, letting the President know that we oppose sending more troops to Afghanistan and want him to end this war. Historians Against War is joining with the Institute for Policy Studies, American Friends Service Committee, Peace Action, CodePink, United for Peace and Justice, Just Foreign Policy and many other national organizations to spread the word.
What you can do:
*On Monday-Wednesday November 23-25  call the White House 202-456-1111 or email though website www.whitehouse.gov/contact and let them know that you oppose further escalation and want a troop withdrawal to begin now.
* Mobilize people on your campus, schools or other places of work to participate in these call-in days. Consider organizing a phone-a-thon at a central location, where people can make these calls or use your personal list-serves to forward this message and ask friends colleagues to do the same.
* Call your member of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor Congresswoman Barbara Lee's bill HR 3699 -which would deny funding for more troops in Afghanistan. Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121, 202-225-3121
*And please let us know if you are participating in effort.


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