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Friday, November 20, 2009

[haw-info] HAW Notes (including links to recent on-line articles of interest)


To members and friends of Historians Against the War,


Here are a couple of notes, followed by the sixth in our series of links to recent articles by historians on HAW-relevant topics – or articles by other writers that that provide historical background on these topics. 


1. Middle East historian Irene Gendzier, of Boston University, invites anyone interested "in following up the possibility of having a meeting on the subject of the Goldstone Report, or introducing it in the context of other conferences, to contact her at gendzier@bu.edu.


2.  The libertarian conservative web site antiwar.com, which has consistently opposed the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and focuses on war- and civil-liberties-related news, has put out a distress signal for donations.  Its home page is http://www.antiwar.com.



Links to Recent Articles of Interest


"History Promises Disaster in Afghanistan for Blind America"


By John R. MacArthur, Providence Journal, posted November 18

(by the publisher of Harper's Magazine)


"Washington's Welcome Indecision"


By Mahir Ali, Znet, posted November 18


"Who's Afraid of World Government?"


By Lawrence Wittner, History News Network, posted November 16

(The author teaches history at SUNY Albany,)


"Haunted by Gorbachev's Ghost"


By James Fergusson, truthdig.org, posted November 15 (from The Independent)

(on parallels with the Soviet experience in Afghanistan)


"Obama, Learn the Lessons of Vietnam – from JFK, not LBJ"


By Larry Berman and Edward Miller, New York Daily News, posted November 13

(Miller teaches history at Dartmouth College)


"Why the Afghan Surge Will Fail"


By Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted November 12


"The Fifty-Year War"


By Jonathan Schell, The Nation (November 30 issue), posted November 11

(on domestic politics as the link between US decision-making in Vietnam and Afghanistan)


"Cold War Without End: America Never Had a Post-Communist Revolution"


By David Brown, Antiwar.com, posted November 10


"Drone Race to a Known Future: Why Military Dreams Fail – and Why It Doesn't Matter"


By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com, posted November 10


"Sen. George McGovern on the Presidency from Lincoln to Obama"


Interviewed by Robert Scheer, Truthdig.com, posted November 6


Suggestions for inclusion in these lists are welcome: they can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.  Members of the working group for this project are Matt Bokovoy, Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Jim O'Brien, Maia Ramnath, Sarah Shields


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