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Thursday, October 01, 2009

[haw-info] An Appeal to HAW Members and Supporters

HAW Members and Supporters,

The crisis in Afghanistan is deepening, militaristic circles are calling for the deployment of more US troops, and opposition at home and abroad is growing. HAW stands with this opposition, and is deeply concerned about the effects of an expanded war on the peoples of Afghanistan and the region, and on the struggle for reform at home.

Because of this, we are asking that:

1. If you haven't done so, sign the new HAW Statement, expressing your substantial agreement with its content, and thereby become a full HAW member;

2. Considering making a donation to HAW, so that we can build a treasury for the continuing struggle.

The full text of the Statement is available on our web site at http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/ ; you can sign it online there.

Donations may be made online through Paypal, or be mailed to Historians Against the War,
c/o Van Gosse, Department of History, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003. Those donating $40 or more will receive a free copy of HAW's most recent pamphlet, "The Bush-Cheney Years," based on our roundtable at last January's AHA.

In solidarity,

Andor Skotnes
For the HAW Steering Committee

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