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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

[haw-info] HAW Notes

To members and friends of Historians Against the War:

1.  The Peace History Society (PHS) has arranged with HAW to offer special on-line access to its journal, Peace and Change (including the current special issue on the Iraq War edited by Robert Shaffer).  For a 60-day period after registering, you will have free access to any Peace and Change articles.  (1) To register, go to http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/trial/pcsoc and create a username and password; (2) to access issues of Peace and Change after having registered, go to www.interscience.wiley.com and log in with username and password.  (Then click on "Publication Titles" in the Search area and specify Peace and Change.)  Information on joining PHS, which includes a subscription to Peace and Change, is at http://www.peacehistorysociety.org/membership.php.  Dues are $40/year (or $25/year for students, retirees, or unemployed).


2.  The HAW Steering Committee has adopted the following statement regarding the boycott of the January 2010 AHA convention in San Diego:


"In view of the boycott called by some GLBT organizations and UNITE HERE against the Manchester Hyatt in San Diego, the main convention hotel of the January 2010 AHA convention, the HAW Steering Committee resolves to hold any HAW events in other locations. The Steering Committee also urges individual HAW members and supporters who plan to attend the convention to book rooms in other hotels rather than at the Hyatt and, in general, avoid spending money at the Hyatt."


3.  Filmmaker Robert Greenwald's remarkable Rethink Afghanistan project (http://rethinkafghanistan.com) now includes six separate videos of 11 to 14 minutes each, which can be viewed on-line for free.  A DVD with all the videos included will be available as of October 5; ordering information, as well as links to the individual videos, is on the web site.




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