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Monday, April 20, 2009

Confronting the Bomb

Lawrence Wittner, longtime peace historian and peace activist, recently completed an abbreviated version of his award-winning Struggle Against the Bomb trilogy. Entitled Confronting the Bomb: A Short History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, it provides a very positive portrayal of the role of the world peace movement in curbing the nuclear arms race and preventing nuclear war. Unlike his hefty, massively-footnoted scholarly trilogy, Confronting the Bomb is designed for college courses and general readers. Scheduled for publication in mid-June 2009, it supplies a useful context for what will be stepped-up popular agitation this year and next year for the creation of a nuclear-free world. The book is available in an inexpensive paperback edition from Stanford University Press (http://www.sup.org/book.cgi?id=9646) and from bookstores.


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