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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama's Next Budget Increases Military Spending

That's right. We have a massive financial crisis that has forced most Americans to tighten their belts yet he can find room to ramp up spending for our world empire:

The Defense Department would see a $20.4 billion boost in 2010, a 4% increase from this year, slowing its growth from the Bush years but securing personnel increases for the Army and Marine Corps. Mr. Obama will request an additional $75.5 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for the rest of 2009 and another $130 billion for 2010, as he withdraws most combat troops from Iraq over 19 months but sends many of them to Afghanistan.


Blogger Thaddeus Russell said...

And what do the "antiwar" netroots have to say? From yesterday's New York Times:

"Word of Mr. Obama’s impending decision generated little of the anger that has flavored the Iraq debate for years. Justin Ruben, executive director of MoveOn.org, a group that has strongly opposed the war, said activists were willing to give Mr. Obama the benefit of the doubt.

'People have confidence that the president is committed to ending the war,' Mr. Ruben said. 'This is basically what he promised in the election.'"

4:35 PM  
Blogger Sukrit Sabhlok said...

In terms of the sheer number of overseas interventions, Bill Clinton's presidency tops George W. Bush by a long way. The only reason Bush copped so much flack is because he forgot to use the "international community" as a cover for imperialist schemes.

Looks like Obama is headed in the same direction, but he will probably end up being worse than both given the expanded powers he has inherited.

11:12 PM  

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