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Friday, February 13, 2009

Is Obama A Slave to Bush's Policies?

The most recent "Life During Wartime" cartoon on the front of the HAW website seems to say so. The ACLU and other civil libertarians have long said that not only can Obama overturn Bush's state secrets policies but should. And now they're outraged -- at the current president, not the previous one. I wish we would be, too. It's time to recognize the real danger we face as an antiwar movement -- the United States just replaced an unpopular imperialist leader with a popular one.


Blogger David T. Beito said...

The cartoon almost implies that Bush has some sort of Svengali-like powers over Obama. Does anyone believe that? I don't like Obama's positions but he is now the one ultimately setting policy in Washington while Bush is in Crawford, Texas.

4:20 PM  
Blogger David T. Beito said...

The cartoon almost implies that Bush has some sort of Svengali-like powers over Obama. Does anyone believe that? I don't like Obama's positions but he is now the one ultimately setting policy in Washington while Bush is in Crawford, Texas.

4:21 PM  

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