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Thursday, January 08, 2009

[haw-info] HAW's roundtable at the AHA - in video form on the History News Network web site

To HAW members and friends,
This week's History News Network web page (http://hnn.us) features the Historians Against the War roundtable at the AHA convention January 3, on the subject of "The Bush-Cheney Legacy."  There is a separate video link to each of the five talks -- by Alice Kessler-Harris, David Montgomery, Vijay Prashad, Ellen Schrecker, and Barbara Weinstein -- and each of the talks is presented in full, along with introductory remarks by Margaret Power and Van Gosse, organizers of the roundtable.
The full two-hour session, including the question-and-answer exchanges following the talks, is available in audio form on the HAW web site, at http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/aha09/.  
The roundtable drew in the neighborhood of 100 people, despite not having been organized in time for inclusion in the official AHA program.  The talks were very well received.  Nearly everyone stayed for the full two hours, and 25-30 people stayed for an open HAW meeting afterward.
Earlier in the day, HAW had a literature table (shared with the Radical History Review) near the book exhibit hall in the Hilton New York, the main conference hotel, and a lot of people stopped by.  We also co-sponsored an evening reception held by the Peace History Society, featuring historian and folk singer Larry Wittner.
A final note:  A number of people responded to our December 31 appeal for help with HAW's nearly depleted treasury, and we are very grateful.  Donations can be made on-line via PayPal, at http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/donations.html, or else in the form of a check made out to Historians Against War and mailed to our treasurer, Van Gosse, at 314 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603.  As mentioned in the earlier mailing, donations to HAW are not tax-deductible.
Jim O'Brien
for Historians Against the War


Blogger David T. Beito said...

Did anyone record the business portion of the meeting?

1:02 PM  

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