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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Neocons in Progressive Drag

As Bush heads for a well-deserved retirement, peace progressives need to stop looking backward and start paying more attention to the pro-war plans of Obama and those around him.

According to Justin Raimondo, as Obama prepares to assume power, the epicenter of the war party has already shifted leftward from the American Enterprise Institute to the Progressive Policy Institute.

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Blogger Sukrit Sabhlok said...

This is the most important message that needs to spread right now!

I have an article due to be published on the 29th of December at onlineopinion.com.au that collects some of his publicly available statements and makes the case that Obama will be a warmonger like Bush.

5:29 PM  
Blogger David T. Beito said...

Obama's latest "no comment' in response to the Israeli attacks in Gaza is yet another sign of where he is taking us. I want to give the guy a chance but.....thus far he is giving us every reason to believe that you are right. The peace wing of the Democratic party is frozen out.

2:18 PM  

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