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Monday, December 29, 2008

[haw-info] If you'll be at the AHA convention...

Here are the Historians Against the War activities planned for the AHA convention in New York.  All of these activities are for the first full day of the convention, Saturday, January 3.

11:30 - 2:30  Literature table (shared with Radical History Review) in the area of the New York Hilton reserved for nonprofit groups, probably near the convention registration area

2:30 - 4:30  "The Bush-Cheney Years: A Historians Against the War Roundtable":  In the Empire Ballroom East of the Sheraton New York, 7th Ave. and 53rd St.  Speakers are Alice Kessler-Harris, David Montgomery, Vijay Prashad, Ellen Schrecker, and Barbara Weinstein.

4:30 - 5:30   Meeting for HAW members and friends, in the same room as the roundtable.  Open Discussion: One Faltering Economy and Two Wars:  What Can Historians Contribute?

6:00 - 8:00  Reception co-sponsored by the Peace History Society and HAW, in the Sutton Center, second floor of the Hilton

Also, here's a reminder:  If you're interested in running for the HAW Steering Committee (the election will be conducted by e-mail next month), please send a short statement by to either of the current co-chairs, Jim O'Brien (jimobrien48@gmail.com) or Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org), this week if possible.  The statement should use the following template:

Historical Specialization:
Political Background:
Reason for Running:


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