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Monday, December 15, 2008

[haw-info] Exciting HAW Roundtable at the AHA

Dear Friends:

HAW has put together a very exciting and timely roundtable for the upcoming AHA
conference. We hope that you can all come to it. And please invite your friends.
The panel "The Bush Cheney Years: The Damage Done, The Consequences to Come, and
How Can we Move Beyond Them" will run from 2:30 to 4:30 in the Empire Ballroom East, on
the second floor.

The speakers are: Alice Kessler-Harris, Columbia University; David Montgomery, Yale
University; Vijay Prashad, Trinity College; Ellen Schrecker, Yeshiva University; and Barbara
Weinstein, New York University.

For a poster about the panel, go to http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/aha09/

Please contact Margaret Power (power@iit.edu) or Van Gosse (van.gosse@fandm,edu if you
have any questions.

See you there!

Margaret Power
Associate Professor
Department of Humanities
Illinois Institute of Technology
3301 S. Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60616

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