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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Naomi Wolf: "America's Slow-Motion Fascist Coup"

In a wide-ranging hour-long interview, Wolf discusses "red-state fascism," "blue-state fascism," the use of the Federal Reserve to subsidize empire, and the need to build bridges between anti-war progressives, libertarians, and conservatives. This is great stuff. Listen here.



Blogger Mark H. said...

I am concerned that there are no comments here. If the blog simply has no readership, then okay. I don't know.

But if lots of historians are reading this - what do they think of this? Do American or international historians really believe we are heading down the road to fascism? Is a comparison with Europe in the 1920s and 1930s really fruitful for understanding what is going on in America today?

2:50 AM  
Blogger David T. Beito said...

I hope they are reading it too! C'mon guys make some comments.

4:34 PM  

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