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Friday, September 05, 2008

"Million Doors for Peace" - September 20

The Steering Committee of Historians Against the War has endorsed the "Million Doors for Peace" campaign of United for Peace and Justice, the national antiwar coalition to which HAW belongs. Information is below. The Steering Committee suggests that HAW members who take part in the campaign consider raising the issue of the Afghanistan war along with the Iraq war in their canvassing.
Jim O'Brien for the HAW Steering Committee

September 20, 2008 - National Day of Action: Be part of one of the most ambitious and innovative anti-war activities to date!

On Saturday, September 20, thousands of volunteers across the U.S. will knock on a Million Doors for Peace.

United for Peace and Justice is partnering with US Action/True Majority, Win Without War, and other organizations to make this day the biggest peace action of 2008.

Volunteer doorknockers will ask people to sign an antiwar petition directed to Congress. Our message: End this immoral war, bring our troops home, and invest in America's future. In addition, we will encourage people to join local anti-war groups, engage in voter education work, and become a part of the organized antiwar movement in their area.

In order to reach a million people in a single day, we must organize at least 25,000 volunteers in all 50 states. Peace groups have never implemented such an elaborate communication and organizing plan before now, but with new and traditional communications tools available, we anticipate success with this groundbreaking, grassroots project. This project will not end on September 20, but it will be a new beginning of a more organized grassroots movement for peace and justice.

Training materials, petitions, local groups to canvass with in your area, and handouts will be provided.

Click here to join Million Doors for Peace.


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