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Friday, September 05, 2008

Free Trial Membership to Peace & Change for HAW members

26 August 2008
Dear HAW Members,

The Peace History Society has arranged for HAW members to receive a free, 30-day trail subscription to Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research, the major journal in the field. You have until the end of the year to activate this 30-day trail subscription. For log-in instructions, please go to http://interscience.wiley.com/trial/pech_haw.

I also invite you to join the Peace History Society. Founded in 1964, the Peace History Society encourages, supports, and coordinates scholarly research on peace, nonviolence, and social justice; it also communicates the findings of this scholarly work to the general public. PHS members seek to broaden the understanding and possibilities of world peace. They include historians, and other scholars of international and military affairs, transnational institutions, nonviolence, and movements for peace and social justice. For more information on the PHS, and to join online, please go to the PHS website, at http://www.peacehistorysociety.org/.

The PHS looks forward to the reception that we are co-hosting at the Jan. 2009 American Historical Association conference in New York City. Mark your calendars for Saturday, Jan. 3, 2009, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Hilton New York, Sutton Center.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards,

Scott H. Bennett
President, Peace History Society


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