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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Conservatives Demonized Reagan as "Chamberlainian appeaser"

The conservative attempt to compare Obama and Neville Chamberlain is not new. Glenn Greenwald finds that they made the same charge against none other than Ronald Reagan. For example,

Conservative Caucus Chair Howard Phillips, for instance, "scorned President Reagan as 'a useful idiot for Kremlin propaganda,'" and published ads which, according to a January 20, 1988 UPI article (via LEXIS): likens Reagan's signing of the INF Treaty to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's signing of an accord with Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler in 1938. The ad, with the headline, "Appeasement Is As Unwise In 1988 As In 1938," shows pictures of Chamberlain, Hitler, Reagan and Gorbachev overhung by an umbrella. Chamberlain carried an umbrella and it became a World War II symbol for appeasement.


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