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Thursday, April 24, 2008

HAW member article on John Yoo and torture...

Jennifer Van Bergen, a member of the HAW Steering Committee, has published an article on John Yoo and the issue of torture at http://thepeoplesvoice.org. It contains links to other literature and documents related to the issue:



Blogger DRA said...

Jennifer's essay and the links can be used for classroom lessons and lectures.

I hope that HAW members will share their plans for teaching on the topic this semester and in the fall - in different classes at diverse levels - so that we can evaluate and improve our ability to enhance the HAW goals.

Next term I am teaching a capstone research seminar. I sent Jennifer's article to the students who signed up.

The students already have a common topic for research - "human rights" - and I asked them to read, react and consider ways to use the post to develop research proposals.

10:25 AM  

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