Report on the University of Louisville Teach-In


The University of Louisville joined the national teach-in last October with an afternoon and evening teach-in Wednesday, October 18 on the war and the Middle East. We brought together faculty at Louisville and Cincinnati to talk about the issues behind the war, particularly oil, resources and development. We also added a session on the war in Lebanon.


Due to a mixup in who was doing what publicity we did not get the kind of turn out we had hoped. We had about 40 participants in the teach-in. The students were particularly interested in continuing activity.


Louisville has an active anti-war committee that regularly does demonstrations, vigils, etc. As a commuter school most of our students tend to be involved in these activities that are community-based rather than university-based. Our hope is to use the university as a source for information but for the focus of activism to continue to be in the larger community.


As the war escalates we hope to increase our activity perhaps with a spring teach-in linked to a larger community project.


John Cumbler,

History Department