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April 4, 2003

Contact: Dan Letwin (863-0417; letwin@psu.edu)

On the evening of Tuesday, April 8, over a dozen Penn State historians will be addressing a Historians Against the War Teach-In on the topic, “The War in Iraq: Anatomy of a Crisis.” The event will take place at 108 Forum, Penn State campus, 7-10pm.

All members of the Penn State & State College communities invited to attend.

This event will be one of dozens of Historians Against the War Teach-Ins being held on campuses nationwide during the coming week. Historians Against the War was launched in January 2003 by historians across the country sharing a common concern over the rush to war with Iraq. Since that time, over 1800 historians have signed the following HAW mission statement:

We historians call for a halt to the march towards war against Iraq. We are deeply concerned about the needless destruction of human life, the undermining of constitutional government in the U.S., the egregious curtailment of civil liberties and human rights at home and abroad, and the obstruction of world peace for the indefinite future.

These are the concerns that underlie the April 8 teach-in. Drawing on their wide-ranging specialties and interests, historians of the America, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and other parts of Asia will offer critical perspectives on the war in Iraq, its causes, and its implications for our national and world communities. Confirmed speakers are: William Blair, Kumkum Chatterjee, Sophie de Schaepdrijver, Cary Fraser, Lori Ginzberg, Arthur Goldschmidt, Anthony Kaye, Meredith Lair, Joan Landes, Dan Letwin, Susan O’Brien, Robert Proctor, Robyn Spencer, Nan Woodruff.

For further information on Historians Against the War, see www.historiansagainstwar.org.
